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The Multiplayer Update is Now Available

Hey everyone! 

Prepare to sail the seas with your friends and go on a new adventure! Today we are officially releasing the multiplayer update. We want to thank everyone who has helped us test multiplayer and for your feedback and suggestions. 

In order to play multiplayer all you need to do is make sure Salt is up to date, invite your friends on Steam in the main menu, and start up a game! If you don't have any friends to play with, head over to our discord and check the multiplayer or lfg channels. Once you've joined a group, you can then either choose to create a new game or load an existing game with the same seed as the host. 

In addition to multiplayer this update also includes other changes such as the addition of NPC villages, a revamped inventory system, tons of balancing changes, and bug fixes. You can read the full list of patch notes below. 

As always, we'd love your feedback and thoughts. If you encounter any bugs, please let us know and we'll work on those as soon as possible! 

Patch Notes: 

- Added multiplayer.
- Added trader villages.
- Added a new npc that can spawn in high places.
- Spiders can now drop Adventurer's Satchels, which contain some loot.
- Improved gamepad UI navigation.
- Adjusted stats on some items.
- Adjusted drop chances on some items.
- Changed the item icons for some items.
- Added new items to some loot tables.
- Added a new rope sound when you use climbing ropes.
- Fixed an issue where certain meal buffs could be stacked.
- The Jungle Fisherman and Huntsman are now both a guaranteed spawn on jungle islands.
- Added strong plant fibers as a possible drop from some crates.
- Deer and tigers now change orientation based on the slope of the terrain.
- Lowered the cost of the maiden ships from the sea collector slightly.
- The windy sail item is being phased out of the game. If you have one one your boat, it will automatically remove it and give you a replacement item.
- Lenvell should now be in an inn when he is needed.
- Fixed a bug where Lenvell would fail to tell you a location.
- Added a new icon to an item's description to let you know that it cannot be traded or sold.
- Torches no longer burn down while resting.
- Added a new hotkey (T by default) which equips/unequips a torch if you have one.
- You can now rest at the starting island campfire.
- Reduced lag spikes that would sometimes occur when looting an item.
- Updated one of the ambient sounds to reduce the intensity of a bird chirp.
- Increased the chance for some enemies to drop health potions and bandages.
- Added recipe to craft bandages from spider silk.
- Increased capacity of crates from 5 to 12.
- Fixed a bug where deer challenge chests would sometimes open before killing all the deer on the island.
- Fixed a bug where jungle challenge chests would not spawn.
- Made all NPC campfires not burn out.
- Fixed NPCs not navigating around some ruins properly.
- Dirt mounds now orient to the slope they are on.
- Updated inventory UI to include pages, new tabs, and sort option.
- Improved performance of inventory UI.
- Increased stamina bonus from alpha stag set.
- Increased stats on alpha stag cloak.
- Made fishing take a little less time, and capped the max amount of time it takes to catch a fish in a single cast.
- The cartographer now offers to erase a wrong island for you for some gold.
- Interacting with sailboat wheel and raft oar no longer causes your main hand item to un-equip.

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